March 1, 2011

An Explosion to be Read in One Transforming Sentence by James Hughes

Furious joy from words returned in silent line
shy, unjustified yet endeared for experience kind
in spite of lies: history potentated, and distance-
now made immaterial by passion blooming
soon to fruit and spread seed through world
and human mental webs: God: a force levered by
a slender branch my sophomoric instigation grafted
held for life, mind, joy, growth and final answer to
a weary, endless seeking carried from youth distant
fulfillment unexpected yet foreseen in stories gathered
by a rare and righteous Lark.

 James Aaron Hughes is bored.  
He has been writing advertisements for sink manufacturers for a while now, and feels somewhat unrewarded by this.  He relaxes the angst formed from the sinks by making verses that taste like knock-off Kayyam /Fitzgerald, and wishing his beautiful, genius, amazing, perfect angel of a girlfriend would have more sex with him.  His time remaining is used offering himself as labor to godlike corporations, but they are already quite well stocked in bitches, thank you.


.SMH. said...

I am proud to be associated with such mind-bending art displaying you at your most insolent.

Oh, and your poem is cool, too.

But seriously,
Keep writing, please.

.SMH. said...

I am proud to be associated with the creator of such mind-bending art, displaying you at your most insolent.

Oh, and you're poem is cool, too.

But seriously.
Keep writing, please.