September 19, 2011

Artist Spotllight: Benjamin Oliver

Artist Statement:

In a world where almost everything has been done before, I too, struggle as an artist to create something "new to the earth."  More often than not, I turn to my lifelong fascination with aliens, ancient mythology, and metaphysics for inspiration.

I'm an only child, born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. I was named after Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi from the first Star Wars movie. I began drawing before I could speak and my parents encouraged my "artistic" potential all throughout school and I even briefly attended a reputable art college. 

In January 2011, I rediscovered my passion for creating visual art.  I had spent the last few years working in the construction field as a house painter, carrying around a paint bucket and paint brush....and daydreaming the entire time about how I could be painting more interesting things with this brush.  Being that I'm the son of a carpenter and was basically raised on job sites and wood shops....the answer became obvious.  I needed to paint on wood. 

I still currently reside in Richmond, Va where I am working on developing a substantial portfolio of paintings on woods, stones/slate, ceramics, and various objects purchased from local thrift stores.  I take great pride in the craftsmanship of all my frames as they are hand-cut, assembled, and painted by myself. 


Mucha, Audrey Kawasaki, Salvador Dali, MC Escher, Michael Moses, Paul Laffoley, Leonardo DaVinci, and Alex Grey.


Metatron's Complex

Ceremonial Headdress

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very intriguing art. A treat for the eyes and mind...thought provoking & unique.